Board meeting papers - 20/11/2015

Board meeting papers 20/11/2015


Minutes of Healthwatch Rutland Board held at Voluntary Action Rutland, Lands End Way, Oakham LE15 6RB on Friday 17 July 2015

Key items

  • The Chair welcomed Tim Sacks to update members on new developments in Primary Care. The CCG recognises that demands are rising and that this is part of a larger system. Better Care Together is trying to address this shift.
  • Reports were received on current CQC inspections which included Central Notts Clinical Services (CNCS ) which had been placed in special measures by the CQC and Leicester Partnership Trust which had been found to be inadequate in a number of areas.
  • The work of the Young People's Mental Health Project would be presented to the Health and Wellbeing Board on 23 July 2015 and a copy of the report which had been submitted was received.


Paper A - Minutes
Paper B - Minutes of annual meeting
Paper C - Action log
Paper D - Dental health profile
Paper E - Chair's report
Paper F - Accounts
Paper G - Mid year report
Paper H - Proposed changes to Community Services
Paper H Appendix - Community Services model summary
Paper I - Young People's Mental Health Project update
Paper J - Emergency services update
Paper K - Policies

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