If you would like to come along to our Board Meeting in Public this will be held online on the 6 December from 6:30- 8:30pm. ** PLEASE NOTE THIS HAS CHANGED FROM AN IN-PERSON MEETING TO ONLINE**.
Our work over the past year has focused on ensuring that the public and patient voice is heard as early and loudly as possible in the development and transformation of health and care services across Rutland.
If you would like to come along to our Board Meeting in Public this will be held in person at the King Centre, Barleythorpe, LE15 7WD on the 14 June from 6:30- 8:30pm.
Responding to our February quick poll 26% of you said that no one in your household regularly visits a dentist and 41% of respondents who do not regularly see an NHS dentist have tried to join an NHS dental ‘list’ within the last year
As part of our 'Let’s Talk...' project we recently asked the public about their experiences of Urgent and Emergency Care, to understand the impact of changes to these services that have happened throughout the COVID-19 pandemic.
Here at Healthwatch Rutland (HWR) we listen to people's feedback to help shape and improve health and social care services in Rutland. Healthwatch Community Champions are the 'eyes and ears' for HWR in your locality or area of interest.