Our Code of Conduct with CYP

This Code of Behaviour must be used in conjunction with CTCIC’s Safeguarding Policies and Procedures.

CTCIC defines a child to be anyone under the age of 18. Every member of staff and volunteer who works with or provides support or services to children and young people (CYP) needs to be aware of their role and responsibilities and have clear guidelines under which to operate. One way of achieving this is to have a Code of Behaviour, which clarifies what is acceptable and what is not acceptable. All staff and volunteers who work with or provide support or services to CYP, whether on a regular unsupervised or occasionally supervised basis will be required to sign a copy of the Code of Behaviour to confirm that they have received it and understand their responsibilities under it. All signed agreements and Codes of Behaviour will be stored securely by the company for a period of five years following the termination of employment or volunteer relationship.

Principles underpinning the Code of Behaviour

• everyone is treated with respect

• the best interests of the CYP are paramount over any other concern.

• our environment must be such that CYP feel safe and valued

• adults should be sensitive to child protection issues in all that they say and do

• all staff and volunteers should protect CTCIC reputation by following these procedures at all times

Read the full Policy

Code of conduct CYP

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