Healthwatch Rutland Primary Care Survey - June 2017

This survey was planned as a joint collaboration between Healthwatch Rutland and East Leicestershire and Rutland Clinical Commissioning Group (ELRCCG). Both organisations were keen to know what Rutland people feel about primary care services.


This survey was planned as a joint collaboration between Healthwatch Rutland and East Leicestershire and Rutland Clinical Commissioning Group (ELRCCG). Both organisations were keen to know what Rutland people feel about primary care services.

Key findings

  • On average, GP surgeries used by Rutland residents scored well on patients’ overall experience of their services, and fairly well on patients’ satisfaction with appointment availability.
  • Very appreciative views were expressed about people’s experience of general practice especially at Uppingham (including Barrowden and Ketton), Empingham, Market Overton and Somerby and Stamford. Oakham Medical Practice scored lower on patient satisfaction with the overall experience of services. Patient views are summarised on pages 7 to 11.
  • Accessing appointments is a concern for many. The survey highlighted particular concern amongst Oakham Medical Practice patients about the availability of appointments


Healthwatch Rutland Primary Care Survey Report - June 2017

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