Every Story Matters – the Healthwatch 10 year anniversary

This year Healthwatch marks its tenth anniversary!
HW 10 years

This year the Healthwatch network of 152 services marks its tenth anniversary. At Healthwatch Rutland we want to celebrate the anniversary by thanking everyone who has shared their care experiences, and the professionals who have acted on feedback since we started.

Patient feedback can enable the commissioners and providers of health and care services to spot issues and identify where more resource or support is required. It can also help to address inequalities in access to care, the extent of which has been highlighted by the pandemic.

With NHS and social care services under pressure, Healthwatch Rutland is asking  more people to tell us when health and care services are doing a good job and when services can be improved.

Feedback about what is and isn’t working plays a crucial role in helping care services spot issues and understand how they can improve quality, safety, and efficiency. With doctors and nurses hard-pressed, positive feedback can be a real boost for morale. 

So next time you use a health or care service, take a moment to share your experience. It won't take long and could make a real difference in making care better for you and your community.

Louise Ansari, National Director of Healthwatch England