1. Report -

    Our work over the past year has focused on ensuring that the public and patient voice is championed in the development of health and social care services to meet the needs of the Rutland community.
  2. News -

    The NHS in Leicester, Leicestershire, and Rutland (LLR) has published the new five-year plan which sets out how it will work collaboratively to improve health and care services and outcomes for patients across the city and counties for the future.
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    AGMs for a local Hospital Trust and the Integrated Care Board are open to public attendance on 14 September
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    We are heading out across Rutland in the coming months to listen to your views on our local health and social care services.

  5. News -

    You may have seen a familiar vehicle driving around Rutland over the last few weeks, the Rural Coffee Connect van is back serving free hot drinks to rural residents.

  6. News -

    Please see below for the latest news and updates from Healthwatch Rutland.