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    Useful links for carers in the local area
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    Find local Patient Transport services and their contact details.
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    Find local Long Term Conditions and Disabilities Services and their contact details.
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    It can be hard to keep up with the constantly changing and evolving nature of guidance and help with coronavirus. Here are some links to different national organisations and their advice.
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    Age UK works throughout Rutland with people over 50 and their carers, providing support, information and activities. As things are changing on a daily basis, Age UK has published a newsletter to address their current situation.
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    If you have cancer, it’s understandable you might feel anxious about COVID-19. The Government and the NHS have both confirmed that cancer treatment should continue to be prioritised during the response to the COVID-19 emergency.
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    A short animation has been created to help raise awareness of the 'Local Offer' of support for those who care for and work with 0-25 year-olds with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND).
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    With Dementia Action Week happening on the 16-22 May 2022 it is a great opportunity for us to share information regarding Dementia.
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    The Rutland Healthcare Support service was formed back in 2008 and is still running today with a team of dedicated volunteers. With a break in service due to relocating, the organisation has recently opened their doors again in their new premises in Barleythorpe. The new base for the Rutland Healthcare Support shop offers free parking and is easily accessible through automatic doors just off the car park. They offer a sales service as well as items to hire such as crutches, toilet aids and wheelchairs from £1 per day.