Urgent Care Service at Rutland Memorial this bank holiday weekend

The Clinical Commissioning Group have given assurances to Healthwatch Rutland that Urgent Care Services in East Leicestershire and Rutland are operating as advertised this bank holiday weekend (including Urgent Care at Rutland Memorial Hospital)
Woman at payphone

Urgent Care Services in East Leicestershire and Rutland (ELR) are operating as advertised this bank holiday weekend (Saturday 25, Sunday 26 and Monday 27 May: 9am to 7pm)

You can call the 111 service which will make an appointment for you if appropriate. You can also ‘walk in’, but may have to sit and wait, depending on how busy the service is with appointments from the 111 service and the severity of other walk-in patients.

Alternative Services

Don’t forget your local pharmacy, which is able to help you deal with non-urgent medical concerns.

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