Looking after yourself during quarantine - Young Healthwatch News

Worries about Coronavirus (COVID-19) are common, a lot of people are worried about staying at home and avoiding seeing people outside their household.
teenage boy

You might be missing school routines or your friends and this is normal, it is okay to feel stressed or anxious at the moment. 

You might be feeling unsure and have worries about your health and that of others.  Mind has information and resources to help you through this time, click here to access and you can find other information here.

One of our volunteers from Young Healthwatch Rutland has written about what he has been doing to maintain his wellbeing during quarantine:

1. Learn a new skill

Take the time to learn something new and find a simple way to do it so that you can achieve things in a short space of time. This could include learning an instrument or perhaps learning to paint. 

2. Have a regular family quiz night 

You could do this just in your household or with other members of the family using video chat. Each member of the family creates a round of questions on something they find interesting and then takes it in turns to be the quiz master. You can get friends involved too - maybe even do a quiz with your family and then a separate one with friends - that will keep you busy for longer as well! 

3.  Get exercising 

This is something which may seem difficult at a time like this, especially if you are not a fan of exercise. I also do not enjoy exercise, but I've made it my goal to make sure that I am doing at least one form of exercise per day. There's no better time than now to make this an essential aspect of your daily routine, whether it be making sure you're going out for a walk each day or doing a mini-workout in the morning or perhaps setting a bigger goal such as using the Couch to 5K app to get into running. 

4. Keeping in touch with family and friends 

If you are bored and looking for something to do, pick up the phone and make sure you're keeping in touch with loved ones. Make someone's day and the enjoy the rest of yours, knowing that you have made someone smile. Get in touch with someone that you haven't spoken to in a while and see how they are - have a good catch-up. 

 5. Get into cooking 

We are all having to adjust to eating meals at home now every night whereas previously we had the option to eat out as well. This is a great time to get involved in cooking, try new recipes and particularly with younger children, it is a great way to get them involved in learning some life skills. 

If you are seeking further help, there is a range of information about Covid-19.